Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the E'TK-Pribor factory.

Export of Products

Export of E'TK-Pribor products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: microprocessor devices, panel equipment, heat metering equipment, controllers
  • Temperature sensors
    Temperature sensors
    TSMU-16-S, TSMU-10-S, etc.
  • Flow meters
    Flow meters
    ELTECO ERM et al .
  • Heat meters
    Heat meters
    TS and others.
  • Control units
    Control units
    BCU4 and others .
  • Pressure sensors
    Pressure sensors
    DI–001D, S05, etc.
  • Power shields
    Power shields
    SHU-AVR, UNP, etc.
  • Heat accounting cabinets
    Heat accounting cabinets
    SHTU-600-600-210- IP54, etc.
  • Automation cabinets
    Automation cabinets
    SHAM1-300-IP54, etc.
  • Controllers
    Master T-400, K1s, K2s, etc.
  • Display panels
    Display panels
    IK5.6, etc.
  • Control modules
    Control modules
    P3, MP4, MP2P, etc.
  • Resistance modules
    Resistance modules
    XI2 et al .
  • Adapters
    RS422, etc.
  • Converter modules
    Converter modules
    RS485, etc.
  • Output modules
    Output modules
    UP TO -8DC, AV0-4, etc.
  • Input modules
    Input modules
    A8-0, D8-0, A5-1, etc.
  • Processor modules
    Processor modules
    MB MCC, BBP24, etc.
  • Software complexes
    Software complexes
    SL et al .


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